Is Stress making you Fat?

London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog

If you're stressed in your job, fighting in your relationships or not having a great day for whatever reason, it's oh so easy to reach for foods that comfort and offer a quick fix. Continue this long-term and it's a sure fired way to pile on the pounds.

Modern-day stress catches us out's not like we're eye-to-eye with a sabre tooth tiger every day, rather it's having to deal with traffic, or public transport being so crammed you can't even get on, delays, politics at work ...and the list goes on. So much so, that we accept stress as a normal state.

When we were faced with real life-threatening danger, our bodies needed to react in such a way that we could run and get away; aka the fight or flight response. And then when we escaped the danger, they could return to normal function.

With modern day stress, it's not like that ...there's often no let up through our day, sometimes for days, weeks, months. Now normal function is perpetual stress response.

Our bodies can't tell the difference though, so regardless of whether we're stuck in traffic or have just had a run-in with an ego at the office, they react as if we're faced with that sabre tooth tiger ...even though it's been extinct for years.

We often recognise the emotions around our cravings, but actual physical responses take place too (and oh boy can they be powerful). These can lead to different eating patterns which we often have little control over ...until we acknowledge what's happening, which in turn allows us to do something about it. That's when we have a real opportunity to turn things around.

Here's how it works: Our stress response is regulated by our adrenal glands which activate the release of cortisol into our bloodstream which sets off a physical craving for certain foods ...foods that give us energy. Fast. Like sugar, white carbs and fat ...think processed foods, junk foods, fast food, fried foods, milk chocolate bars, biscuits and cookies, pies, pizza, cheesecake, ice-cream, tiramisu, cake, bread, chips and crisps...

...but, we don't utilise these calories running to safety, instead we sit at our desks or on our couches and pack on the pounds, often around our abdominal area ...hmmmm sounding familiar?

And it doesn't end there. When we're in a state of constant stress, cortisol is elevated over long periods of time. This means that our bodies are less sensitive to leptin, the hormone that makes us feel full, so we actually continue to eat more food than we need consistently - even when we're no longer stressed ..and we pack on even more weight.

Does this resonate with you? It does with me. Is it time to do something about this do y'think? See the stress we feel nowadays doesn't require a fight or flight response, so we don't need all the extra calories but our bodies still react as if they do, and that can mean a whole bunch of health conditions such as weight-gain which leads of obesity, diabetes, heart disease through to more degenerative conditions like cancer.

Do you ever get to the point where you're stressed about being stressed-out? Not a great feeling is it.

So what's the solution? We need to restore our adrenals to their normal, healthy function by getting to the root cause of what's stressing us out. Achieve that, and create strategies that help us manage stressful situations, instead of having them manage us - then our physical and emotional cravings disappear, our energy levels sky rocket, we actually start to the lose weight we gained without significant effort.

So, what does that mean in your shoes, your schedule, your life...

:: Get real with it. What is really stressing you out? Get to the root cause. Cortisol is a toxin. Consider a 7 Day Cleanse cleanse. It's a great way to draw a line and start afresh.

:: Avoid alcohol and caffeine if you can because they over-stimulate the adrenal glands and we don't want that to happen.

:: Deconstruct your cravings. Think of them as your new BFF.

:: Maintain healthy blood sugar levels throughout the day: Always eat breakfast, include snacks in the morning and afternoon if you need them, and structure your meals around whole foods. A useful guide is to put 50% dark green leafy vegetables, along with 25% good quality protein and 25% whole grains including a healthy portion of omega oils (think flax seeds, walnuts, oily fish).

:: Shake the sugar habit

:: Integrate your favourite exercise into your day. Don't feel like it? Just start with ten minutes. Seriously, no pressure.

:: Create balance in your day; spend time in nature, meditate, do a yoga class ...whatever works for you, and remember to schedule time for these activities into your day, just like you would a work commitment.

:: Admit it. Should your Job Carry a Health Warning?

:: Sleep well, and have sweet dreams.

Want some help? Telephone and Skype sessions available so there's no need to stress re public transport or traffic jams to get to a consultation!

Don't stress about your diet ...just get a new Attitude to Food.

Posted Date
Aug 6, 2012 in London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog by AttitudetoFood