Food + Exercise + Instagram

Capital of Sport

Put your hands up if you've ever instagrammed a picture of your food. If you answered no and you're not a total Instagram virgin then I'm afraid I don't believe you.

Call them ubiquitous, ridiculous, pastiche if you like, but I'll readily admit that a bold filter, close crop and a little tilt-shift makes food look so vibrant... So appetising. If I see your food on my Instagram feed after my 90 minute slog on the treadmill then I'll take that as an invitation: I'll be banging on your door before you've poured your glass of wine.

Every great personal trainer will tell you of the importance of eating post-exercise. A dose of protein aids muscle recovery, and a top-up of carbs can stabilise blood sugars and metabolic rates.

Hurry - you have a 20 minute post-exercise window to chow down on your recovery food, which immediately discounts anything from Jamie Oliver's ambitiously-titled '15 Minute Meals'. In desperation I sometimes end up pulling a Magnum from the freezer (that's protein and carbs, right?)

With that in mind, check out All In London's 'Eating Out the Healthy Way'.
I'm already a fan of anything from Leon containing sweet potato, but it now looks like I'll be dabbling in Tossed and Comptoir Libanais too.

Why do we all dash home after hitting the gym when we should be flaunting our rosy-cheeked glow?

Posted Date
May 15, 2013 in Capital of Sport by Rachel Thom