Ali Baba Juice image

Ali Baba Juice

125c Rye Lane, Peckham, London, SE15 4ST
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077 7916 9002
Nearest Station
Peckham Rye 0.05 miles away

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1, Aylesham Centre, Rye Lane, Peckham, London, SE15 5EW

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Global Link

122 Peckham High Street, Peckham, London, SE15 5ED

Fresh juice bar in the heart of Peckham offering delicious and nutritious refreshment!

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London's best juice bars

5-a-day? If it tastes this good, we'll manage 30-a-day

Peckham has officially completed its transition to fully-fledged hipsterville. Among its new trendy outlets is this juice bar/market stalllocated under a railway arch on Rye Lane, where nutrient-rich drinks like spiced pumpkin, carrot and maple are also delicious – there’s no downing wheatgrass shots while holding your nose here.

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