Shepherd's Bush
Shepherd's Bush
Computer Sales & Repairs
Computer Sales & Repairs
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User Reviews
Frances G
from White city
from White city
Feb 9, 2019
i Visit dz engineering often . I recommend people to visit them for repairs and purchases. I take my phone and tablet to them for repairs often and they simply tell me the problem and I am happy with the repairs and sometimes when there is nothing wrong, they tell me straightaway . I am always happy with the way they handle my work professionally . I trust their job
from London
from London
Apr 26, 2017
Went to have an iPhone 5c screen replaced. Screen is unresponsive. Went to see him to remedy. He stated the OS was the cause and it needs updating, This was done and it has not remedied the situation.He is blaming Apple for making bad software which is ridiculous. He is not willing to remedy or replace.
My girlfriend has been left without any phone.
My girlfriend has been left without any phone.
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