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KFC is a chain of fast food restaurants selling chicken pieces, burgers and chips to eat in or take away. Catering for vegetarians is provided.
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User Reviews
from Nw18yn
Jun 20, 2018
from London
Nov 18, 2015
Jan 11, 2010
Sep 25, 2009
I'm sure this place is lovely, but I not the right person to ask.
Thank you and good night.
Sep 11, 2009
Sep 9, 2009
well done!
Sep 9, 2009
If I could, I'd go and eat there every night, but I can't cos I've got other stuff to see and do sometimes.
The staff are awesome and whilst the chips aren't as good as Macca's, I don't mind because the rest of the food is freakin awesome and sweet as.
I give it 10 million out of ten.
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