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Best For
Mmmm: London's tastiest dim sum
We've put together a list of the best places to get your Dim Sum fix
Phew. Now we’ve got the traditional out the way we can move into the realms of the more peculiar. Shanghai in Dalston doesn’t just produce excellent dim sum but hosts its own karaoke rooms so that you can enjoy a medley of shark fin dumplings and Mustang Sally. The Char Siu Bao are particularly good and now dim sum can be ordered in the evening too!
London's best Karaoke bars
We check out the best...
If you like to sing on a full stomach then Shanghai Dalston is the perfect stage for you. Indulge in delicious Chinese food before sauntering into the back room for a feast of power ballads and cheesey karaoke. For an unusual sing-song this has to be one of London’s best.
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