Extras , Actors, Models wanted for part time work

All In London Forum
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Castingnow.co.uk is run by ex casting and TV professionals with inside knowledge of the industry. We offer quality castings and auditions for people at all levels in the industry.

Castingnow.co.uk enables talent to apply for castings directly. Everything you earn you keep!

We are not an agency but a much needed platform for new and established talent to promote themselves and gain access to castings that they can apply for directly

We are NOT a free site we charge only 6.50 per month for which you will get access to all the quality castings, a webpage on which you can upload videos , audio clips and photos. And more than likely a job!

Any questions please email us: [email protected]
Posted: 2008-10-07 21:32:09
Hello, I 'm just finishing my studying at University of Drama and Film Budapest and I'm going to move to London to find a job. I speak English quite well and greek. I would be so happy if Sombody let me know about things that I should keep in my mind and what direction I have to start. Thaks, Anna
Posted: 2008-12-25 09:29:13
What kind of job are you looking for?

If you want to join an Extra's agency - I would suggest joining one that does not charge you an upfront fee. These are the credible ones. They only take an annual fee from your first job, and from then on it's about 15% per job. So you could earn £70 minimum from a day's work.
Posted: 2009-02-06 03:15:06
Hello everybody , I am from Kyrgyzstan (it is post Russian country).I am planning to move to London in august . i just wanna say that i am so in love with everithing about media,tv, movie so can anybody give me an advice how can i become tv or movie extras just to belong and feel movie worlds :)
Posted: 2009-02-26 17:05:24
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