Material Gain is an exhibition of sculptors whose work is rooted in materiality and the gathering of ideas surrounding mass, volume and playfulness.
Rather than ill gotten gains or rags to riches, this exhibition explores the diverse, rich and valuable material conversations to be found in the work of Changeable Beast artist group, 24 emerging and established artists whose work will be shown at One Paved Court, Richmond.
This Contemporary Sculpture show, which is housed in unique 18th Century premises, explores 6 themes or conversations, each of a week’s duration. Changeable Beast invite visitors to interact with a vibrant, integrated programme of performances, talks and workshops.
These take place on Saturdays throughout the six-week period.
Corporeal, 18-22 October 2023
The first week presents Corporeal, sculpture and performance in relation to the body. Scale and occupation of space is made visible through the work of Belinda Worsley, Karen Byrne, Matt Foster, Sandy Layton and Seona Myerscough. Their working processes respond to contemporary society’s position that the body is disputed territory, unfixed and transitory in its expression. Their engagement with the materials, plaster, clay, wood, metal and found objects reveal the action of the body in its own embodied reality.
Tangible, 25-29 October 2023
The second week brings Clare Jarrett, Eveleigh-Evans, Kay Senior, Rachael Causer and Susan Young together to focus on the tactile, touch and making in Tangible.
Domestic, social, environmental and personal issues are explored in sculptural form. Challenging dialogues are generated, transforming substances such as clay, plaster, bronze, textiles and more radical materials.
Temporal, 1-5 November 2023
In week three, Aileen Kelly, Alex Hegazy, Andy Gomez, Katie Houston and Ornela Novello address ideas of process, materiality and duration in Temporal. The artists consider, within performance, experimental mixed media, textiles, found objects and the site specific, using the passage of time, to reveal the process of change and transformation of materials.
Fluid, 8 -12 November 2023
Week four has Chuting Lee, Jennifer Moore, Tania Salha, Tom Witherick and Vivien Delta engaging with the concept of the Fluid within their practice- whether this is with materials, performance or narrative, or all of the above.
Uncovering fluidity of materials such as clay, paper, consumables and wood is further manifested by exploring the disruptive spatial constructs, the tangible and the intangible, within concepts of change and transformation.
Ethereal, 15-19 November 2023
In week five, Carolyn Whittaker, Diana Wolzak, Tessa Garland and Tina Culverhouse work through performance, manipulation of form and an engagement with space, encompassing the transient in Ethereal. These artists use concrete, paper, clay, found objects and ready mades to embody tenuous equilibriums which are encountered in our physical and social environments.
Concrete, 22-26 November
The final exhibition of all 24 artists, provides an exciting platform to explore a mass formed of separate materials bonded together that strengthen all the time in Concrete.
This creates an opportunity for the artists to respond by making smaller scale sculptures within the curated Concrete theme.
• Saturday 21st October at 14:30
Who is coming to tea? a performance by Belinda Worsley, Karen Byrne, Seona Myerscough.
• Saturday 28th October at 14:30
Artists talk with Clare Jarrett, Eveleigh-Evans, Kay Senior, Rachael Causer and Susan Young.
• Saturday 4th November at 17:00
Performance by Katie Houston followed by Artists Talk with Aileen Kelly, Alex Hegazy, Andy Gomez, Katie Houston, and Ornela Novello.
• Saturday 11th November at 14:30
Performances by Tania Salha and Artists Talk with Jennifer Moore, Chuting Lee, Tania Salha, Tom Witherick and Vivien Delta
• Saturday 18th November at 14:30
Dialogues with four artists (Carolyn Whittaker, Diana Wolzak, Tessa Garland and Tina Culverhouse) including performances by Tina Culverhouse and Diana Wolzak
• Saturday 25 November 17:00 – 20:00
Finissage Closing Event
Material Gain
One Paved Court Gallery
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 26th of November 2023
This event ended on Sunday 26th of November 2023
One Paved Court Gallery
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