The Quiet Enchanting

Bush House South West Wing, King’s College London, The Strand
The Quiet Enchanting image
Event has ended
This event ended on Wednesday 31st of January 2024
Venue Information
Kings College London
Strand, WC2R 2LS
Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Victoria 0.27 miles

Acclaimed design studio Superflux and King’s Culture are pleased to announce The Quiet Enchanting, an installation of digitally generated artworks displayed along the newly pedestrianised Strand Aldwych from 17 October 2023.

As visitors walk along the Strand, The Quiet Enchanting will place them in a speculative world where the surrounding Borough of Westminster has been rewilded. A series of digital screens and printed artworks, installed on the external façade of Bush House South West Wing, will imagine a mythic time of ecological abundance, where London’s recognisable landmarks exist in harmony with the natural world. The project has been inspired by Superflux’s ‘Cascade Inquiry’ research initiative, based on a year-long residency and conversations with researchers across King’s College London and developed with King’s Culture.

Tags: Art

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