
Pub in Islington
O'Neill's image
No longer at this address

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59 Upper Street
N1 0NY
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0.27 miles
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O'Neill's is a chain of Irish pubs that celebrate all the Irish festivals, serving a variety of beers, wines and spirits. They also serve Irish food, have a happy hour and can cater for private parties for up to 270 people.

All In London Review

When you’re looking for a pub that ‘does exactly what it says on the tin’, where could be better than O’Neill’s?

Is it worth reviewing an O’Neill’s bar in the heart of Angel? Aren’t they all just much of a muchness? Perhaps, but when you’re looking for a pub that ‘does exactly what it says on the tin’, where could be better than O’Neill’s?

Burgers for £5 at some points during the week, Irish stews, mini-pasties, roast chicken and gammon steaks; the food isn’t doing anything new but you know what you’re getting – filled up. The drinks aren’t your fancy craft beer offerings either but in the Angel O’Neill’s you might just find a pint of Peroni to satisfy your sophisticated side. What we really like about this O’Neill's on the occasion we visit is that the staff and punters are among the friendliest we’ve found in Angel. Strange, but true. The manager accommodates us by putting on a football match that our group asks for, people give up their seats to afford us a closer view of the TV and while all that is occurring, the presence of that classic floral pub carpet creeps up on us with that familiarity that says, ‘welcome home’. Yes, welcome home… to the pubs that you remember from your youth, the ones you visited underage, or for cheap beers, or simply because that’s where everyone else went. That’s the charm of O’Neill’s and we’ll hear nothing against it. Of course, that doesn’t go for all O’Neill’s pubs, just this one. So don’t go walking into the Barking branch and expecting an Angel welcome…

O’Neill’s gets a bad rep in London. The Angel branch, with its spacious interior, plentiful tables and weekend entertainment is doing a sterling job at what these Irish bars set out to offer. Perhaps we’re all just spoilt? The next time we think about looking down our noses at one of these proud Irish pubs, let’s give it a chance as we - you and I - recall this ode to the O’Neill’s of Angel. Who’s with me?!

Reviewed by T.A.O
Published on Sep 20, 2013

User Reviews


Jun 24, 2014

You can't go wrong worth an O'Neills! This one is as good as any other; there's a great atmosphere when it gets going.