Recipe :: Super Food Trail Mix...

London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog

This blend really does the trick and it stores well in the kitchen, in your desk drawer or the bottom on your bag, so it's there when you need it. Try a handful with your favourite cup of tea for a satisfying solution to the commonly required 3pm sugar-fix.

Here's what you'll need:

2 tablespoons goji berries
2 teaspoon bee pollen
1 tablespoon cocao nibs
Handful of your favourite nuts, eg, almonds, brazils, cashews, macadamia
Big pinch cinnamon
2 tablespoons coconut flakes

Here's what you do...

:: Combine all ingredients
:: Store in a airtight container
:: Dip in and enjoy every bite!

NB ...if you don't like an ingredient that's listed, maybe you don't like coconut or nuts ...then switch in something you do ...maybe banana chips, dried cherries, mango or sunflower seeds ...the choice is endless. The great thing about this is that you make it just how you like it plus you can make it different everytime, so it's never boring!

Posted Date
Jan 30, 2011 in London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog by AttitudetoFood