If it's good enough for Samantha Jones...

Love London

WIth all the fabulous clothes, shoes and bags in Sex and the City 2 one would be forgiven for overlooking the girls' beaty product, but those with a discerning eye may have noticed Samantha's obsession with a certain JĀSÖN® Balancing Wild Yam Crème...

Menopausal Samantha religiously applied the wild yam face mask to keep the redness of her hot flushes at bay. Wild Yam itself is also known for its therapeutic benefits as it contains compounds, particularly diosgenin, that mimic certain hormones such as progesterone which helps correct hormonal imbalances that occur during the menopause.

The JĀSÖN® Balancing Wild Yam Crème is a luxurious, super hydrating blend of Licorice, Ginseng and Wild Yam specifically designed to comfort and balance menopausal skin by increasing moisture retention and boosting elasticity, clarity and radiance. Clearly not EXCLUSIVELY for menopausal ladies as celebrity fans include Reese Witherspoon, Alice Temperley and Jasmine Guinness, it's a delicious facial treat that's almost good enough to eat!

£14.99 from www.jasonnaturalcare.co.uk

Love Laurel x

Posted Date
Oct 18, 2011 in Love London by Laurel