First walk with Puppy Day Care – a success!

Dogs in London - The London Dog Blog

Alfie had his final vaccination last Tuesday so today he was "good to go" and the first time he was allowed to go out for a walk. And he went with the Puppy Day Care team.

Two lovely ladies from Riverside Dogs – who used to take our previous dog Henry out each week day – make it possible for us to own a dog while meeting our obligations to go to school (my daughter) or work (me). It means that we can avoid leaving Alfie for really long periods at home alone where he might fret, chew up stuff (not the designer shoes – please!) or howl the neighbourhood down.

Separation anxiety can be a real issue – especially for young puppies who have left their mums and litter mates at an early age. Henry came to us when he was five months old and didn’t fuss when we left him (in his crate). Alfie, on the other hand, arrived at the tender age of three months and is a bit of a baby. He sleeps with humans. He sits with humans. He probably thinks he’s a human. Already. And while it’s lovely that he has formed a really close bond with my daughter (or me when she’s not around – “Substitute”!), we can’t spend every minute 24/7 with him!

The Riverside team leader had popped in to meet Alfie last week. Naturally, young dogs are nervous around new people. But the care team reported that whilst Alfie was very scared when they came to collect him today, after lots of cuddles and soothing noises, he travelled in the car with the other dogs (although I think he had some more cuddles riding shot gun on the way) to the park.

I’m told he totally charmed everyone he met and actually did some walking (and wees on the grass) – although his nervousness and being a little chilly (he’s a little tiny dog with not much fur yet and his fretfulness today meant the carers didn’t try to get him into his little red hoody before his walk) meant that he spent a fair amount of his walk time snuggled inside the jacket of his walker. Ahhhh.

However, on the way back he was confident enough to ride in one of the soft crates with Jasper (a little King Charles Cavalier) so it looks like his doggie social circle is set to increase.

Meanwhile, I have learned that my cousin has acquired a little Scotty dog puppy (called “Tilly”) and that my brother is considering getting a miniature Schnauzer in the Spring. If you are thinking of getting a dog, you might consider going along to one of the “Discover Dogs” events – here’s a report from a recent one:

And this weekend we are planning our first public outing for a review….How exciting! And he doesn’t need an Oyster Card as dogs travel free!

Posted Date
Jan 11, 2012 in Dogs in London - The London Dog Blog by London DogBlog