The Astoria

Night Club in Covent Garden
The Astoria image

7 / 10 from 1 review
157 Charing Cross Road
Covent Garden
020 7434 0403
Covent Garden
Nearest Station
Tottenham Court Road
0.04 miles
Night Clubs

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All In London Review

Push every Saturday at Astoria 2

You remember FROG? Ah..those were the days – PUSH is alright, but can’t really live up to that. Unlike FROG, PUSH is rarely really busy, or maybe it’s just because the venue is rather big – either way, it’s still a good night out because of the live bands and because the crowd isn’t too ueber-indie arrogant, so you can just go crazy and have a laugh.

It’s a bit expensive though – a beer is generally four pounds, but if you arrive early you normally just pay six pounds to get in so it’s not too bad.

Published on Jul 9, 2008

User Reviews


Jul 22, 2004

Busy and Kickin
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