WIN! Tropic Thunder on DVD

To celebrate the release of this great new action-comedy on DVD we're giving away a copy.
Competition Closed

Competition Dates:
Competition runs from
Dec 8, 2008 to Feb 26, 2009
Written and directed by Ben Stiller and featuring a host of stars including Robert Downey Jr, Jack Black, Nick Nolte and Steve Coogan Tropic Thunder is an action packed comedy not to be missed!

A group of well-known successful actors are cast in the biggest, most expensive war movie ever produced! They include Tugg Speedman (Ben Stiller) - a pampered action superstar, Kirk Lazarus (Robert Downey Jr.), an intense, three-time Oscar-winning actor; Jeff Portnoy (Jack Black), star of the popular gross-out comedy franchise "The Fatties"; multi-platinum hiphop-star-turned-entrepreneur-turned-actor Alpa Chino (Brandon T. Jackson); and first-timer Kevin Sandusky (Jay Baruchel).

After filming begins, the director (Steve Coogan) has a change of heart and throws the actors into real-life combat and they are forced to become the fighting unit they're portraying. Will they make it out of the jungle in one piece?
The Question

Ben Stiller has also starred in which of the following movies?

No longer accepting enties, this competition ended on Feb 26, 2009.

Details & Terms