Blow away the misery of Hayfever

Don’t let the dreaded hayfever get in the way this summer and win yourself a super stylish 3-man tent ….
Competition Closed

Competition Dates:
Competition runs from
Jun 22, 2009 to Aug 30, 2009
If you suffer from hayfever, the itching, sneezing and sore eyes might already be out in full force! All the planned fun in the sun soon looses its appeal when you’re sneezing into your picnic, or can’t see your favorite band at Glastonbury because your eyes are streaming so much. But don’t fret… we have a little something that will help to have you prancing carefree through the English countryside before you know it!

Zirtek can provide effective 24-hour relief from all the symptoms of hayfever, including itchy eyes and a blocked nose – leaving you free to enjoy the summer. It‘s a second generation antihistamine and comes in a range of formats, including a sugar-free, banana flavored solution which can be taken by children as young as two years old.

For more information and a daily pollen forecast visit

To help you get out and enjoy your new found hayfever freedom, Zirtek are giving you the chance to win a trendy (yet very practical) 3-man Celia Birtwell Candy Flower Dome Tent so you’ll be ready for any occasion whether it’s a picnic in your back garden or camping in a deserted field!

To get your hands on this fantastic prize just answer the question below:

For more information visit
The Question

How many hours does Zirtek provide relief from hay fever symptons?

No longer accepting enties, this competition ended on Aug 30, 2009.

Details & Terms

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