
Gift Shop at 54 Neal Street
Octopus image
No longer at this address

Our records show that Octopus is closed.

54 Neal Street
Covent Garden
Covent Garden
Nearest Station
Covent Garden
0.15 miles
Gift Shops

80% of Octopus's stock is exclusive to their shop. This includes ideal and unusual gifts as well as jewellery, bags, themed professional watches and designer luggage. They also sell a selection of household goods.

User Reviews


Mar 3, 2010

Wonderful, trendy merchandise lured me into both the Bath and Notting Hill Octopus shops. Bought the Panda bag, I get tons of compliments on it back here in the Chicago suburbs. Also picked up a few kids' items, cute necklaces and hair-dos. Sales staff in both locations were very accommodating. Wish I had bought the holographic change purse and bag! Can't find any of that sort of thing here.

Nov 15, 2009

I ordered an item which I had been looking for and was unable to source from the internet. A Pylones item. The staff member was very helpful and I was able to order the item I had been after. I live in Edinburgh and the member of staff kindly arranged for postage and packaging and my item arrived a few days later. I would deffinately order from this shop again and can only say that the service and help was first class.

Just wish there was a shop near me!

Sep 5, 2009

I went into Octopus yesterday and LOVED it! Everything in the shop was unique, saw a lovely bracelet made out of the pull tags on zips! Will definatly be taking a trip up to london again soon! Get octopus online!!

Aug 20, 2009

absolutely fantastic shop, love everything inside it. Found it by chance in Covent Garden last year, bought a purse and get so many compliments about it, bought a watch this year from the shop in Piccadily trocadero and get just as many compliments with people asking me where I got it. Hurry up Octopus and get your own website so more people can buy your items. Cant wait to visit Bluewater before christmas to get my pressies. Well done, great shop with brilliant stock.

Aug 9, 2009

Octopus is an amazing store with tons of unique and creative items! I bought a squarish blue watch from there and receieve at least 3 compliments a day on it from random strangers! Friendly workers, excellent service, and really great accessories. I wish there was one in the USA.

May 24, 2009

This store is fantastic! It's eclectic, fun, and unique. I bought a bag from there in the shape of a red watering can and I've gotten so many compliments on it! I'd really like a location of Octopus in the US, but I don't think that will happen any time soon, unfortunately. Everyone that works there is friendly, helpful, and welcoming. Good job, Octopus!