Eclipse London Premiere :)

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Hi Happy
I'm aware that no actual date has been announced yet but me and a few friends would like to go to the premiere and hopefully get some autographs (fingers crossed). I was just wondering what time would be best to arrive because I live in South Shields and it would involve quite a bit travelling. Also, I have never been to a premiere before so is there anything I need to know or any tips you could give me?
Thanks x
Posted: 2010-01-15 14:51:14
krunchie frog
There is already a groupd started regarding Eclipse that mght answer some questions.

Also check out the premieres FAQ in the premieres section.

Your questions get asked a lot so there are already some answers lurking around :D
Posted: 2010-01-15 23:53:09
Get There Around 12:30 So You Can Then Be At The Front Of The Barriers :) That's What I'm Doing :)
Posted: 2010-03-30 23:05:02
ORIGINAL: Shannen10

Get There Around 12:30 So You Can Then Be At The Front Of The Barriers :) That's What I'm Doing :)

if you talking about the night before the premiere, then yes you can!

if you talking about afternoon on the premiere day.....erm......for my experience attending many premieres, you will be VERY lucky to be in front at 12.30pm!! i reckon around 9am (maybe early depend the weather) the premiere will be full like alice in wonderland premiere.

if there will be a premiere, there will be lots of people will stay over night in the tent and wait all day for it.

my advice (also my favourite quote! lol)for everyone is ....."be there early as possible you can, the better" :)
Posted: 2010-03-31 00:43:59
the LA Premiere will be on

Date: Thursday, June 24th
Attending: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner
Location: Grauman's Chinese Theatre, 6925 Hollywood Blvd, in Hollywood,
Arrival Time: 5:30pm-6:30pm TBC


so you guys might get a premiere this time might even if current trend correct get it before we do fingers crossed , low as I am In LA Right now and will be until July I will let you know what the premiere is like and as be on release hear on 30th of June before you guys get it on 9th of July on GR will let you know if it hot very hot or super hot. that includes you to Bro....
Posted: 2010-04-03 18:33:13
ORIGINAL: Rachel227

I'm aware that no actual date has been announced yet but me and a few friends would like to go to the premiere and hopefully get some autographs (fingers crossed). I was just wondering what time would be best to arrive because I live in South Shields and it would involve quite a bit travelling. Also, I have never been to a premiere before so is there anything I need to know or any tips you could give me?
Thanks x

I'm coming from Jarrow and wondering the same. Never been to a premiere before but I will probably be going the day before and getting lots of sleep then camping out all night.
Posted: 2010-04-04 01:51:52
i know of a few planning to camp out all night - with myself as a possible inclusion :)

Apparently the phone company o2 are advertising a "win tickets to the eclipse premiere in london" if you sign up with them - so am presuming that's a definite sign of an actual premier...
Posted: 2010-04-04 02:27:03
millie loves twiligh
am new to all this première thing but am the biggest fan of twilight... absolutely love Jacob... and have read all the books a number of times. :L

Wanted to go to the new moon premiere but couldnt get tickets ... serious about going this time with some friends and all of us are major fans :P parents finally letting me go on my own with the girls as am only 15 .. needs help urgently on where it is, when it is and any extra tips/advice on when to get there etc.

please please pleaseeee help me... much appreciated x
Posted: 2010-04-25 23:08:06
millie loves twiligh
I have just found out that if you are looking to go to the London premiere than it is in vue on Leister Square but the date has not been confirmed and will not be until the middle of june. You can go onto the vue site and call to check anyway.

Me and friends are hoping to go so still any extra information or tips on how to handle a premiere would be greatly appreciated..
thanks :L
Posted: 2010-04-26 20:09:06
krunchie frog
If you click on 'London Film Premieres' and then see the top three threads with the hearts next to them? they will help you with advice you are after about premieres.
Posted: 2010-04-27 12:45:58
Hi guys, my experience is that the barriers only get put out on the day of the event, obviously they don't want to clog up london streets days beforehand. I would suggest being in the area early in the morning and keeping an eye on what happens. Only the most dedicated fans get there days before hand and since rumours say that the Kris Rob and Taylor aren't attending the london premier who knows how many people will still attend. I'd still go though, it's a thrilling experience and though you can get pushed and shoved you won't regret it when you're home again and can show people photos of what you've seen. its a fab experience and i wish you all the best of luck! :)
Posted: 2010-06-06 15:38:01
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