Iron Man II & The blind Side

All In London Forum
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The Iron Man II premiere will be on

April 26th
Odeon West End, Leicester Square, London, TBC

Cant wait to see MR RD jr am as massive fan.

And the Blind side premiere will be

March 18th to 24th which day TBC.

If Sandra Bullock looks as hot as she did at the proposal premiere in LA I will be there camped out the night before.

Information from

If I find any competitions I will post them.
Posted: 2010-02-05 13:46:40
that look fantastic!! can't wait!! :hyper:
Posted: 2010-02-05 16:01:25
iron man is at the odeon 'west end'? that won't be a big premiere then :Omg: :confused2:
Posted: 2010-02-05 18:54:12
I hope Sandra Bullock is a good signer, I'd love to get her autograph on my Demolition Man DVD
Posted: 2010-02-05 22:15:50
ORIGINAL: The-PinCushion-Queen

iron man is at the odeon 'west end'? that won't be a big premiere then :Omg: :confused2:

well the invictus premiere was at odean 'west end' and it was impressive! nice and long where the empire is all the way down to odeans west end. it massive! i'm sure iron man 2 will do the same.
Posted: 2010-02-05 23:11:53
Hope mister Downey will be there!can't wait!
Posted: 2010-02-07 19:37:10

I am anxious for Iron man II as it is in my favorite list and I definitely want to see this.

Thanks for letting me know about premier date.
Posted: 2010-02-08 09:25:45
hey i really reallly want to go to the premier!!!!! of the blind side!!!! I REALLY WANT TO GO!!! AND I HAVE APPLIED TO ALL COMPETITIONS AND WAS UNSUCESSFUL!!! please help me :(
Posted: 2010-03-14 16:58:26
I went to leiester sq and they said there is no premiere??? WHICH I DIDNT UNDERSTAND as all over the net it states The Blind side premiere is on the 23rd at west end odeon in leiester sq??? can u please help me............
Posted: 2010-03-15 20:19:43
ORIGINAL: iky101

I went to leiester sq and they said there is no premiere??? WHICH I DIDNT UNDERSTAND as all over the net it states The Blind side premiere is on the 23rd at west end odeon in leiester sq??? can u please help me............

well.......i think of two reasons,
1) i don't know if you know about it, there are TWO odeans cinemas out of four at leicester square?
2) i think the people who working for any cinemas don't know anything about premieres.
Posted: 2010-03-15 20:46:42
ORIGINAL: dmmcscarface

ORIGINAL: iky101

I went to leiester sq and they said there is no premiere??? WHICH I DIDNT UNDERSTAND as all over the net it states The Blind side premiere is on the 23rd at west end odeon in leiester sq??? can u please help me............

well.......i think of two reasons,
1) i don't know if you know about it, there are TWO odeans cinemas out of four at leicester square?
2) i think the people who working for any cinemas don't know anything about premieres.

i went to the frightfilm festival 2 years ago to see a movie the 1408 .when i asked the guy at the tickets is this like a premiere movie and is anyone celeb is in the theatre he said NO
and this was part of the film festival so it was a premiere movie and the director was inside he introduced the film DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
so there is a premiere for blind date dont worry lol
Posted: 2010-03-16 01:52:45
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