Is Michael Jackson still alive?

All In London Forum
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krunchie frog

Ah, MJ always wanted MORE and MORE...

...little boys.

Bad taste joke but it was there to be made by someone. Sorry!
Posted: 2010-04-09 14:00:00
And it had to be you, didn't it?

*shakes head dissaprovingly*

Posted: 2010-04-09 14:29:42
krunchie frog
Usually is! ;) :)
Posted: 2010-04-09 16:37:15
I would get sick of all the negative media attention, on how i look, live and breath too, maybe because of that very thing he wanted to vanish and play dead, or as most said he is just that, dead and gone and finished, people generally hold onto things they cant come to terms with or understand so for some its easier believing that all these people are still alive somewhere hidden away from the rest of the world.
Posted: 2010-04-12 14:05:29
krunchie frog
yeah... just before starting a massive tour that would have made him a lot of money to get out of the debt he had got himself into...

True some people hold onto crazy ideas, but I think assuming he faked his death is a bit extreme.
Posted: 2010-04-12 14:38:55
Alas, MJ is unmistakably dead.
The rumours appear as there are too many fans who strongly desire to believe in any fake, in any even badly masked lie...
Yes, we have to grow up and admit that there are things people can't control or fight. It's even not the issue with MJ's life or death but with people eagering to believe in miracle.
Posted: 2010-11-24 12:37:00
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