All In London Picture Dash

All In London Forum
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All In London
Catchy title hey?

As our usual weekly competition, the Friday 4, has been pretty much side-lined - because our quizmaster can't be arsed to put the competition together anymore - we look to the future to keep us all entertained on a Friday for a few minutes.

So we've come up with this: The All In London 11 O'Clock Friday Picture Dash

Here's how it'll go down:
We'll all get together on the forum at 11 o'clock on a Friday and we'll come up with a picture-hunt topic, such as "cutest picture of a pig in a teapot" or "picture of James Corden with the biggest man-boobs"... you'll all go out and scour the web for a week and come back with the best results.

Simply find your image on t'internet and link it straight into your forum post by using the following tag:

eg [ pic ][ /pic ]

(you can see this tag above this text box with all the other tags such as bold, italic etc.)

Please also post the url of the page where you found the picture :)

The dash will finish at midday on the following Thursday and our quizmaster will then judge the entries and announce the winner. You won't win anything but you'll be able to walk around for 7 days with your head held high knowing that you're best. And who would want anymore than that?

Hope that's all clear.

Now let's go have some fun...

>>> Here's This Week's Picture Dash >>>

Posted: 2010-06-11 11:18:26
Just read this in the newsletter, I'll give it a go.

No prize then QMB :( :redcard:
Posted: 2010-06-11 11:44:32
Judge the entrees?

Has QMB got food on the brain again?
Posted: 2010-06-11 11:47:39
Beverley Kerry
Sounds cool - I'm up for this to waste a bit of time. :D
Posted: 2010-06-11 11:49:18
All In London

Judge the entrees?

Has QMB got food on the brain again?

Oops, well spotted Ed... changed this :emb: :thumbsup:
Posted: 2010-06-11 11:58:08
krunchie frog
I can't enter these comps because I can only get on AIl via my iphone during work hours - doesn't let me upload pics :(
Posted: 2010-06-27 00:53:56
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