A message from an American visitor

All In London Forum
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All In London
Hello all,

We received this message from a visitor of All In London who asked that we share it with our users.

On behalf of me, my family and the USA, I would like to express our condolences to your country and your countrymen. Great Britain is a valued friend of the USA. We feel for you and stand by you. Stand strong and never waver.

Chris Smith and family.
Central New Jersey, USA


The All In London Team
Posted: 2005-07-08 10:41:12
That's nice of them Happy
Posted: 2005-07-08 14:19:27
I really want to do something to help and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I want to show that I'm thinking of all those affected and let the culprits know that they haven't won... does anyone have any ideas as to how Londoners and others can do this?
Posted: 2005-07-08 15:55:41
The best way to do that is to carry on with life as normal. Communities should try to become closer and more accepting of each other, that's the opposite of what they want and it's the best way to make them realise they won't change anything by murdering innocent people.
Posted: 2005-07-13 16:31:34
Conrad Luhmann
I agree completely with the sentiments expressed in the "American visitor" email. I am going to London is September and have not cancelled the trip because of the terrorists. Happy
Posted: 2005-07-17 17:58:06
One thing we can do is give blood. I heard that a lot of London's reserves were used up due to the large number of casualties on July 7th. It's really quick and easy, and so worthwhile, both now and in general.
Posted: 2005-07-18 17:34:12
Good idea sophiestar.

Conrad Luhmann, that's great to hear that you're not cancelling your trip. Giving in to the fear these criminals try to create is the worst thing we can do.

Posted: 2005-07-19 19:41:31
All In London
We received this message last week. Again we were asked to share it with our users.

To my beloved London

I am feeling with you and are following the situation all day on BBC World
My time in London is every a couple of weeks in august, and I shall come this year as well ,no terrorist shall prevent me for beeing togeter with all my london friends.

All my best
vibeke Pedersen, Denmark


Best regards,
The All In London Team
Posted: 2005-07-25 15:28:48
No problem guys! Us Londoners are always happy to die in the name of globalism, torture and imprisonment without trial. Isn't that right? I mean, as George said, fighting in his oil war was "cooperation between allies in the common good" But don't feel bad about not supporting us over Kyoto. Continuing to breath wasn't really in the planet's "common good" anyway was it? Or was that "American good"? - I'm getting confused now. Angry
Posted: 2005-07-26 16:46:00
"globalism, torture and imprisonment without trial"

Is that the reason for murdering 52 innocent people in London on the 7th of July then?

What's the reason for driving a car bomb into 27 children in Iraq?

Whichever way you look at this these are brutal acts of random murder and no reasoning can explain them.
Posted: 2005-07-26 19:54:19
If you read my post again you'll find I don't try to explain them, nor do I condone them. However, no reasoning explains the bombing of thousands of innocent people in country which possessed no weapons of mass destruction (in fact, not even an airforce) and which had no connection with the events of 9/11 - unless you're child-like enough to think that Tony and George are in the business of removing evil dictators.
Posted: 2005-07-26 21:05:03
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