Barry Scott has stopped shouting

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ORIGINAL: Quizmaster Barry

I could shout... I could! :hyper:


Could see you advertising Cillit Bang QMB :nod: ;)
Posted: 2008-07-29 18:53:02
yea, its such a bad advert it seems to stick in your mind!!

me and some friends from college must have laughed a whole day about the advert :-?

it's not even that funny lol
Posted: 2008-07-29 22:06:06
Has he stopped shouting? I hadn't noticed. Maybe they have realised that they don't need to shout out after the public in order to get them to buy their products. Lee Evans makes a good joke about that, haha!

Quizmaster Barry, or QMB as folk like to call you, have you ever been on 'Barryoke'?
Posted: 2008-07-29 22:18:37

Quizmaster Barry, or QMB as folk like to call you, have you ever been on 'Barryoke'?

great question aly!!!! i like it...and am equally intrigued to know the answer.... :laugh:
Posted: 2008-08-01 16:22:16
p.s Cilit Bang just isn't Cilit Bang without the shouting. i mean im sure half the reason the dirt comes off is cos it jumps off the pound coin through genuine shock of his voice! (ok strange analogy there!!!) :emb:
Posted: 2008-08-01 16:24:12
Quizmaster Barry

Quizmaster Barry, or QMB as folk like to call you, have you ever been on 'Barryoke'?

Bad things happen when I sing. People literally cry... think I should give it a miss for the good of the nation. Nice thought though. :bangin:

What about Aly'oke? :smug:
(You've got a theatrical streak haven't you?)
Posted: 2008-08-01 16:33:33
ORIGINAL: Quizmaster Barry
What about Aly'oke? :smug:
(You've got a theatrical streak haven't you?)'ve got the whole AIL crew after you now...

Posted: 2008-08-01 21:39:11
Sure they're not crying at your beautiful sounding voice?
Nah, Aly'oke doesn't have the same ring to it. Whether I have a theatrical streak to me or not... I'm disapointed QMB, disapointed. *shakes head in disapointment*

Haha! I do try El, oh I do try... ;)
Posted: 2008-08-08 16:40:34
cilit bang cilit bang cilit cilit cilit bang..
Posted: 2008-08-14 18:08:14
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