We've lost Shoughmie D'Munnie!

All In London Forum
Page 7 of 36
krunchie frog
I think that was less of a clue and more of a joke about his phone. Seeing as the phone is usually a 'blackberry', his is a 'greenberry'.
Posted: 2008-10-17 12:44:50
5 clicks from the homepage is too many.

I've given up, i've spent way too long looking.

However if QMB wants to send me an email with a better clue i'd appreciate it very much :smug: ;) :hyper: :nod:
Posted: 2008-10-17 12:48:57
krunchie frog
Well they said if noone finds him by the weekend, then they'll get another clue... so make things easier by just chilling out and waiting :)
Posted: 2008-10-17 12:57:54
cant help but look...become an obsession ...need help..
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:00:43
krunchie frog
Lol I started but there's too many places he could be. I began looking in the financial advisor bit of the business directory. Saw nothing there.
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:03:42
ORIGINAL: krunchie frog

Lol I started but there's too many places he could be. I began looking in the financial advisor bit of the business directory. Saw nothing there.

I was looking there too but no joy.

Will wait & see if the next clue is any better than the last one.
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:08:31
All In London
ORIGINAL: krunchie frog

Lol I started but there's too many places he could be. I began looking in the financial advisor bit of the business directory. Saw nothing there.

you might be kind of on the right lines ;) kind of ;)
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:51:37
haha i tried using the search bar!
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:54:27
All In London

haha i tried using the search bar!

haha, we already gave that a litle test to make sure he wouldn't come up. Nice try though :) ... inventive.
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:58:06
muah haha not just a pretty face! LOL
Posted: 2008-10-17 13:59:05
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