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I really hate it when its sunny & hot.

When its really hot, you get hot, sweaty, can't sleep properly, feel uncomfortable & salads etc etc..... wheres the fun in that?

Colder weather - Nice thick jumpers, coat, snuggling under the duvet at night with a hot water bottle + more reason to eat comfort foods... casseroles with dumplings, mash, soups, steamed puddings :tongue2: :tongue2: :tongue2:

Many reasons to love Autumn & Winter.... well apart from the gas bill :bangin:
Posted: 2008-10-22 15:37:53
i don't if its very hot but it has to be dry and not humid :cool: but i also love snow! and if its deep enough i'll ski! :)
Posted: 2008-10-22 15:54:52
krunchie frog
I find it easier to cool down than to warm up. i don't like wearing layers, I find it suffocating and you can't move properly. And I freeze in bed. So I by far prefer summer. Things are a bit happier and bright. I get that SAD thing from lack of sunlight in the winter :( Winter is poop.
Posted: 2008-10-22 17:44:06
I get the SAD thing in the Summer..... no i'm not taking the pee i do.
Its not as widely known as SAD but its called reverse SAD.
Posted: 2008-10-22 19:21:12
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