What are you reading at the moment?

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ORIGINAL: Fast Eddie

I'm literally about 10 sentences in to "The Catcher In The Rye"... it's a classic that everyone goes on about so I thought I'd give it a go. To early to tell if it's any good or not. :)

Let us know how it develops please :thumbsup:
Posted: 2009-02-17 12:38:59
Fast Eddie

ORIGINAL: Fast Eddie

I'm literally about 10 sentences in to "The Catcher In The Rye"... it's a classic that everyone goes on about so I thought I'd give it a go. To early to tell if it's any good or not. :)

Let us know how it develops please :thumbsup:

Will do!
(I'm not a very fast reader though, so you'll have to be patient! :))

BREAKING NEWS: Fast Eddie isn't actually that fast.
Posted: 2009-02-17 12:41:30

"Catcher" is great, but you have to be in the right frame of mind to appreciate it. I wasn't when I started it; besides, it was August, and the novel is set at Xmas time, this disappointed me a bit. But then I really started feeling for Holden, and I quite enjoyed the book. Anyway if you've just started reading a novel you shouldn't be posting here! ;)

Now I'm reading "The Mysterious Affair at Styles", the first novel by Agatha Christie, and I've just finished "Casino Royale", the first by Ian Fleming. My plan is to read eveything by both (not that difficult with the latter, might take a couple of years with the former).

My favourite novels: 1984, Lord of the Flies, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Of Mice and Men, A Clockwork Orange.

The author I've read the most so far is Stephen King: I've read all of his novels from the 70s and 80s (the rest are waiting on the shelf), for an essay on his translators that I wrote last year.

And I think that's it. :)

Why should we not post if just starting a novel, it can be good to discuss understanding of plots and characters, so I think we should welcome folks at any stage don't you

Posted: 2009-02-17 12:41:38

I'm in between books at the moment - I finished “The Diving Bell And The Butterfly” last week.

What a fantastic book!

It's true story written by this guy who used to be the editor of Elle in France. Then one day, in his 40s he had a stroke and was completely paralysed - he had something called "locked-in syndrome" which meant he wasn't able to move or talk... the only part of him still under his control was his left eyelid.

Anyway he managed to dictate his memoirs by someone pointing to a card with letters on and then him blinking if he wanted to use that letter – painstakingly, he dictated an entire book this way.

It's a pretty amazing book - not just for the achievement of it but also the content - it's really moving and surprisingly funny in places too.

It was also one of those books that makes you feel grateful for what you've got and also a little bit guilty that we don't use our beautiful lives more...

He said that he used to complain about his everyday life - about his commute to work for example - and now he'd do anything to be jammed into a Metro carriage with hundreds of other people and not paralysed in a bed in a hospital ward day after day.

Anyway, don't want to be too morose, so I won't go on about it - but it's certainly a great read!


Let us know what you choose next pls

Posted: 2009-02-17 12:42:42
ORIGINAL: Fast Eddie


ORIGINAL: Fast Eddie

I'm literally about 10 sentences in to "The Catcher In The Rye"... it's a classic that everyone goes on about so I thought I'd give it a go. To early to tell if it's any good or not. :)

Let us know how it develops please :thumbsup:

Will do!
(I'm not a very fast reader though, so you'll have to be patient! :))

BREAKING NEWS: Fast Eddie isn't actually that fast.

who cares how long it takes as long as you enjoy, dont rush it and keep us upto date pls.
Posted: 2009-02-17 12:44:03

Why should we not post if just starting a novel, it can be good to discuss understanding of plots and characters, so I think we should welcome folks at any stage don't you


'Course we should, it's THEM who should enjoy their book intead of reading a page and the posting about it before reading the next. I was just suggesting to let the book take over.
Posted: 2009-02-17 12:50:22
I find with some books, they can be real tough to break into for the first few pages. I caht with my pals about the book and decide if worth pushing on..Unless I just can't get on with the writing style.
But I agree its fab to get absorbed in a book and let it take you away ....
Posted: 2009-02-17 12:56:48
just finished stephen kings "Cell" a couple months ago not as good as the classics but a nice modern take on horror and mobile phones.
Posted: 2009-02-17 17:53:06

just finished stephen kings "Cell" a couple months ago not as good as the classics but a nice modern take on horror and mobile phones.

I like Stephen King but find some of his hard to get into, whats this like as a read?
Posted: 2009-02-18 08:39:45
yeah easy reading for this one not hard to get into
Posted: 2009-02-18 11:27:40
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