"Mens Top Tip" Dry lips?

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OK so men and womaen can use!

This but i notice some men dont want to use a lip balm of any sort it might be to girly for them? so in the morning before you brush your teeth brush your lips!

Sounds a bit silly but use a dry tooth brush gently over your lips it will remove dead skin, then brush your teeth and the water will sooth them (no one will ever know!)

If you want to use a product i can advise blistex intensive mosturiser it dosnt look like a lipstick its in a tube and has a nice tingly feeling and minty so can help your mouth smell nice too!

Posted: 2008-12-17 13:20:22
REALLY?!?! :-?

I get really bad dry lips, but don't mind using lip balm, but brushing your lips? I might give this a go in the morning and see if it works!

I think good old vasoline is great for dry lips. Sometimes a bit heavy but it does the job!!!

Will give the lip brushing a go in the morning!!!!
Posted: 2008-12-17 15:00:56
yeah vasaline is great on your lips but you got to get rid of the dead skin in order for the new skin to grow, your just speeding up the healing process!

give it a go but remember not to hard or you might hurt yourself and with a DRY brush as the skin flakes off easier than wet skin!

good luck!
Posted: 2008-12-17 16:02:20
Danny Darko
I actually read this tip when you posted it a couple of days ago and thought I'd give it a try (sheepishly).

I don't usually chip in on forums but just wanted to say that it definitely works.

TOP TIP ELLIE!!! :thumbsup:
Posted: 2008-12-19 12:36:02
glad you had a go!

thanks for the feedback its great to know it worked for you!

Posted: 2008-12-19 12:58:58
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