
All In London Forum
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It looks like its time to go out and get new sunnies hope the sun is here to stay!

anyone know the trends this year?
was thinking going for Rayban again there reliable!
Posted: 2009-03-16 14:20:29
krunchie frog
I don't follow any fashion with sunglasses (or with anything for that matter). But I do love sunglasses. On a sunny day you will rarely see me without some colored reflected shades. The type where people can't see your eyes. I love them. My friends had to stop me buying them when I last went away because I was collecting different colours. Had 6 pairs before they intervened. Lol. Think blue ones are my fave.
Posted: 2009-03-16 15:01:39
yeah i love the reflection ones like mirrors too, never really followed the fashions either to be honest cause they dont always suit me.
Posted: 2009-03-16 16:11:19
I have some black Oakley's, you can't see my eyes but the lenses have a blue tint :)
Posted: 2009-03-16 20:19:43
oooh they are lovely!
Posted: 2009-03-17 07:50:34
i have these pradas - (in the pic) 13months ago they brought out their new sport range that are polarized as well and god it makes things so much better and they look sick as nomatter whose wearing them. they're unisex and look good on guys as they do on girls and vice versa.

they're fantastic and they're probably a lot cheaper now than when i bought them. and when i bought them i got 20% cause i asked so i suggest u do the same when you guys are buying glasses ;)

hope it helps.

stunners all the way ;)
Posted: 2009-03-17 13:15:11
nice there kinda like my ones but mine have bigger rim, i like!
Posted: 2009-03-17 13:31:49

It looks like its time to go out and get new sunnies hope the sun is here to stay!

anyone know the trends this year?
was thinking going for Rayban again there reliable!

Everywhere I go all i see for sale are those huge white bumble bee looking things yeuckkkkkk....
Posted: 2009-04-01 02:17:07
lol at least they cover half those stupid celebretys faces!
Posted: 2009-04-01 09:05:05
like Madonna! sorry she really annoys me for some reason :-?
Posted: 2009-04-01 11:29:46
haha yeah she is annoying me to at the moment!
Posted: 2009-04-06 11:12:09
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