Bouzoukia on The Hill

Greek Restaurant in Muswell Hill
Bouzoukia on The Hill image
No longer at this address

Our records show that Bouzoukia on The Hill is closed.

56 Muswell Hill
Muswell Hill
N10 3ST
Muswell Hill
Nearest Station
0.96 miles

A restaurant/bar in beautiful surroundings, Bouzoukia On The Hill serves up well established and seemingly popular Greek favourites mostly cooked over charcoal which you can enjoy in the restaurant or for a more relaxed feel or in the lounge area over a bottle of red. Greek Meze’s are available for two or more people and combining this with the weekly residential Greek band playing till the early hours over the weekend, the more the merrier to join in with young and old and some Greek dancing! The interior is elegant and airy with an outdoor decked area particularly handy for the smokers and most perfect during the summer months for s ome al fresco dining.

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