Shish Old Street

Middle Eastern Restaurant in The City
Shish Old Street image
No longer at this address

Our records show that Shish Old Street is closed.

313-319 Old Street
The City
Middle Eastern
The City
Nearest Station
Shoreditch High Street
0.31 miles

Shish Old Street is a busy open plan brasserie style restaurant with its sweep of tables the perfect setting to watch the world go by. Seating is informal and relaxed making it the ideal destination for a quick, delicious, healthy meal at any time of the day. Their trademark style dining bar slithers throughout the floor space allowing you to watch the chefs create your meal on the grills. The restaurant recommend you order your Mezze, accompanied with a fresh bread selection and a drink of your choice, which will be served immediately. Whilst you are enjoying that you can then deliberate over which Shish dishes you wish to order.

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