Murder in the Cathedral

St Mary's Church, Stoke Newington Church Street
Murder in the Cathedral image
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 18th of November 2006
£11 Standard tickets (£9 concessions/members)

St Mary's Church, Stoke Newington Church Street

Thomas Becket's violent death at Christmas 1170 in Canterbury Cathedral is the subject of T S Eliot's celebrated free-verse drama. Four rebel Knights, four Tempters in Becket's imaginings, troubled priests and attending women, are witness to the Archbishop's murder.
This unique twentieth century classic drama drew on Greek and Medieval forms as well as jazz rhythms, rhymes and wordplay. It is at one level a psychological thriller; at another, a timely examination of the vexed question of martyrdom.

St Mary's Church in Church Street Stoke Newington, designed by Sir Giles Gilbert Scott, provides this arresting play with a magnificent setting.

Tags: Theatre

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