Speed Networking for Artists - All Creatives

Karin Janssen Project Space, 213 Well Street
Speed Networking for Artists - All Creatives image
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 4th of April 2013
The cost of attending is £9 per person per event and includes drinks and tasty nibbles. In order to make sure that everybody is on a similar professional level, we'll ask you to fill in a few details

Karin Janssen Project Space, 213 Well Street

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Homerton 0.38 miles

Bringing artists together

Thu 4 April, 6-9pm: All Creatives

Speed Networking provides a platform where artists can network with their peer group face to face, make connections and share ideas.

Although artists need critics, curators, collectors and galleries, for an artist peer recognition is the foundation of their practice. Feedback and support from colleagues is vital. Karin Janssen Project Space provides a platform where artists can network with each other face to face, make connections and share ideas. Speed Networking offers a structured yet informal way to develop your artistic career through fellow artists.

Who can join?
The 4th of April is an 'All Creatives' event where everybody working professionally in the creative sector is welcome. This includes artists, but also commercial photographers, graphic designers, curators, filmmakers, dancers, singers, writers etc.

How does it work?
Artists will form two rows across from each other and exchange information about their practice for five minutes. When the bell rings they move on to the next person and talk to them. This way everyone has an opportunity to network with each other.

Tags: Art

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