Frogprince Baby Music In The Farm (Surrey Quays)

Surrey Docks City Farm Rotherhithe Street, London
Event has ended
This event ended on Wednesday 3rd of July 2013

Surrey Docks City Farm Rotherhithe Street, London

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Heron Quays 0.53 miles

FROGPRINCE BABY MUSIC CLASS is the gorgeous music event for newborns, toddlers and parents. Curated by musician Stefano Antoci D'Agostino aka Stead and based on the use of simple and common music instruments like acoustic guitar, piano, toy percussion, voice and the most popular songs and nursery rhymes for children. The class is a multi-instrumental path toward the joy of socializing through music. On top of this it is a great occasion to dance, have fun together, make friends and a very important opportunity for the babies to interact with their mums and dads, with babies of all different cultures and deepen the knowledge of their own bodies, their motion potentials, the objects and spaces around them.

Tags: Family

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