Treasure Chest Nights

Event has ended
This event ended on Friday 17th of January 2014
guestlist only
Venue Information
Dover Street, W1S 4LD
Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Green Park 0.09 miles

Mahiki Guestlist in Mayfair is one of the most popular club amongst not only the Royal Family but amongst the A-list London crowd. Where you see Prince Harry the glamorous crowd tend to follow so don’t expect anything less from this exclusive Mayfair nightclub.

The door policy at Mahiki Guestlist differs from many of the other clubs in London and opens its doors early in the evening for after work drinks and continues until the early hours.

Once reason that you simply must check out Mahiki Guestlist is it cocktail list which has been exclusively created for Mahiki Guestlist. Mahiki Mixologist create everything infront of you and serve them in a selection of tropical themed glasses and more! IF you fancy something bigger than a cocktail why not chip in with your friends and order the now infamous treasure chest cocktail which is quite literally a treasure chest filled with a fruity champagne concoction with dry ice and sparklers this really give the wow factor to any night out

Tags: Nights

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