How2talk Seminar Series

The Centre for Peaceful Solutions, 96 Tubbs Road, London
How2talk Seminar Series image
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 5th of June 2014
£25 full price, £15 low income, £5 unwaged

The Centre for Peaceful Solutions, 96 Tubbs Road, London

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Kensal Rise 0.33 miles

Mastering the art of dialogue is especially useful when something important is at stake. It requires us to enter a field of communication with others that embraces not just the words spoken but also the hopes and concerns of all the participants.

Why do so many conversations fail to get us what we want?

Why do arguments induce resentment and hostility?

Why do people resort to manipulation and ultimatums?

To answer these questions think of the word ‘food’. What does this word bring to mind for you? For some, it may evoke celebration and enjoyment or a guilt ridden compulsion. For others it might be a monotonous stream of family conflict or a source of creative possibility.

Notice the original word stayed the same but the perceptions were different. Each perception is valid but could be incompatible with another. Notice how one word can provide unlimited possibilities for interpretation. Now string together several words into a sentence and this scope is magnified exponentially; consider the possible gap between message sent and message received in a simple sentence like "What’s for dinner?”

The skill of negotiating and navigating a conversation lies in understanding human motivations something we are rarely taught.

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."
Rudyard Kipling

Would you like calm conversations about what’s important?

Would you like your requests received with respect?

Would you like to manage conflict with dignity and compassion?

Our seminar series – How 2 Talk – will demystify the process of dialogue with a fellow human, no matter who they are or what you are talking about. It is possible to learn how to converse successfully about anything with anyone. Come along and discover the skills you need to communicate your message successfully.

Tags: Workshops

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