The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy image
Event has ended
This event ended on Monday 30th of May 2005

The Douglas Adams classic finally makes it to the big screen.

Arthur Dent lives a perfectly ordinary life, which changes one fateful day when the Earth is destroyed by an evil alien construction crew. Dent's friend Ford Prefect reveals himself to be an alien reseacher for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, who was in charge of the entry for Earth (he eventually settled on "mostly harmless"), and rescues Dent in the nick of time. Dent is taken to Prefect's ship, which also houses the sexy Trillian and the eternally depressed and sarcastic Marvin the Paranoid Android.

Together, this crew is all set to go on a fantastic adventure across the galaxy, with Arthur left to simply keep in mind the motto written in large, friendly letters on the Guide's cover: DON'T PANIC.

Tags: Film

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