White Heat Club

The Lexington
White Heat Club image
Event has ended
This event ended on Friday 26th of June 2015
£5 / £3 if you get on the list
Venue Information
The Lexington
Pentonville Road, N1 9JB
Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Angel 0.23 miles

White Heat DJs play post punk/disco/new wave/house till 4am plus £5 dbl White Heat Vodka to ease you into it.

Past guests include:
Cyril Hahn, Baio (Vampire Weekend), Disclosure, Justin Robertson, TEED, Factory Floor, Shindu, The Reflex, RAC, Goldroom, Holy Ghost! (DFA), Edwin Congreave (Deep Sh!t/Foals), Is Tropical, Zebra Katz, Juan Maclean, Azari & III, Chromatics, Grimes and much much more.

Tags: Nights

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