City Chorus carol concert – A Christmas Fantasy

St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, Junction of Holborn Viaduct and Giltspur Street, London
City Chorus carol concert – A Christmas Fantasy image
Event has ended
This event ended on Friday 4th of December 2015
£10 on the door

St Sepulchre-without-Newgate, Junction of Holborn Viaduct and Giltspur Street, London

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
City Thameslink 0.22 miles

Join City Chorus and Camerata of London for joyous seasonal music at the musicians' church, in the heart of the City of London. Sing with us for some of the carols and share Christmas refreshments at the interval and afterwards. Bring friends and family. Don't miss one of the most enjoyable carol concerts at the start of the feative season in London.

Tags: Music

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