Hide Out

209a Coldharbour Lane, London, SW9 8RU
Hide Out image
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 11th of October 2007

209a Coldharbour Lane, London, SW9 8RU

Hito-Iro is the first exhibition by 8 art students from Japan who are currently studying art and design in the UK. Different subject areas within art and design are being explored, such as jewellery design, fashion, product design, interior design and fine art.

A fresh approach and expression to contemporary art, is at the heart of their artistic ideas and realisation of work. The aim of the exhibition is not only to target their own community but also a wider audience.

The exhibition ‘Hide Out’ presents a concept in which the artists’ express their memorable experiences of their childhood - secret places and things they once had. The works display the moments from their past that anchors their lives - and in the end, makes each and every one of us feel special within our lives.

Tags: Art

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