Great Big Kiss

The Phoenix
Great Big Kiss image
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 13th of August 2016
£4 members,
£6 non-members
Venue Information
The Phoenix
Cavendish Square, W1G 0PP
Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Oxford Circus 0.12 miles

Great Big Kiss is a monthly northern soul, Motown, 60s girl groups and rock'n'roll club in central London

A few minutes walk from Oxford Circus tube station, The Phoenix is a wonderful basement bar that's hosted soul and mod nights for the last 30 years. It has a lovely wooden dancefloor, a great sound system, and a bar serving pints at pub prices.

This month our guest DJ is Lucienne Cole of Crawdaddy.

'This monthly club night celebrates the sounds of the Sixties, playing a variety of music genres including soul, Motown and pop, all on vinyl. Some dress in vintage to match the theme, but everyone is there for the music. The homely basement makes this event feel like an authentic 60s night out. You have to be serious about your Sixties and register as a member to get in.' - High Life magazine

Tags: Nights

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