Cara Connors: Straight for Pay

Museum of Comedy -- The Undercroft, St George Church, Bloomsbury Way
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 9th of July 2022

Museum of Comedy -- The Undercroft, St George Church, Bloomsbury Way

A “formerly kept woman and your current girlfriend’s favourite ex-girlfriend,” Cara Connors has performed at Montreal’s prestigious Just for Laughs Festival, is a series regular on E!’s Dating #NoFilter, and is the creator and star of the feminist investigative comedy Cara Takes Up Space on OUTtv, A perpetual late bloomer, the hour explores their second adolescence and sexual awakening, post-divorce “rumspringa,” and occasionally feral existence as a queer, millennial comedian chasing her dreams in Los Angeles while trying to make up for lost time. It’s messy and vulnerable, and also very, very funny.

“This effervescent comedian has become a headliner, actor, producer, writer, creator and on-screen star. Her meaningful shenanigans would make Sacha Baron Cohen proud.” - Chicago Now

“They were relentless, electric, authentic, and a human embodiment of what Adderall was invented to quiet. Their comedy leaned into the absurd, and this may be the key to their success. Weirdness invites weirdness. Within the span of an hour, Connors’ openness and authenticity became infectious.” - The Varsity

“With­out utter­ing a sin­gle word, Con­nors announced her hilar­i­ous arrival to the stage. The show was a wild ride, fast paced at times, pep­pered with thought­ful pas­sages, and all with Con­nors mov­ing about the stage to engage with her sold out audi­ence. Her char­ac­ter work through­out the show was a blur of impres­sions. Don’t pass up the chance for a non-stop evening of comedy.” - Comedy Wham

“Even after catching a break, Cara remains humble, authentic and hungry to share her stop-for-no-man attitude.” - Fools Magazine

“Connors just likes to have fun, to have hoot & holler energy, which is what those attending her show can expect.” - Austin Chronicle

Tags: Comedy

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