Coalescence, a thought-provoking art installation from internationally acclaimed designer Paul Cocksedge, is coming to the magnificent Painted Hall at the Old Royal Naval College, Greenwich, this December. The six-metre diameter artwork is made from over 2,500 pieces of coal with a combined weight of over half a tonne – the amount of coal consumed by a single 200W light bulb in a year. Coalescence was developed by Paul Cocksedge to question our relationship with, and dependence on, fossil fuels.
The large-scale sculpture will be suspended in the Painted Hall and illuminated to create a captivating sparkle and shadow play that draws on the lustrous quality of the anthracite, a form of high-carbon coal. Coalescence will be displayed against the grand backdrop of 40,000 square foot of painted walls and ceilings in the Painted Hall, which is the first London venue to host the work.
Also displayed will be a never-before-seen, brand new artwork in the adjoining Nelson Room. 20 Trees blends maths with environmental awareness. Using anthracite blocks, the sculpture subtly conveys a message about ecological balance: if burned, it would take 20 trees an entire year to offset the carbon emissions produced.
Old Royal Naval College
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 4th of February 2024
This event ended on Sunday 4th of February 2024
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