Self Publishing in 2010 - Talk by author Kyle Wallace

Tiffinbites, 23 Russia Row, London, EC2V 7PG
Self Publishing in 2010 - Talk by author Kyle Wallace image
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 12th of August 2010
£15 for one talk, £25 if booked together with the follow-on talk (How To Storm Amazon)

Tiffinbites, 23 Russia Row, London, EC2V 7PG

Kyle Wallace - best-selling, self-published author of Dial M for Mascara - has taken an original and successful approach to self-marketing. In this collaboration with N Quentin Woolf, Kyle will take you step-by-step through the ins and outs of getting your novel published and recognised.

This talk will guide you through everything necessary to get your work off the computer screen and onto the pages of a book. We’ll take you through the dos and don’ts, and examine different kinds of self-publishing to discover what is right for your project. We’ll look at everything from proofreading to typesetting, cover design to printing, and show you how to prepare your book whilst keeping the costs down. We’ll also give you some tips on what you could be doing while you are still working on your manuscripts.

You may also be interested in the companion talk by Kyle, called 'How To Storm Amazon' on the 19th of August.

For more information please visit our website or email [email protected]

Tags: Workshops

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