Millfield Mirth

Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, London, N18 1PJ
Event has ended
This event ended on Thursday 13th of April 2006
£12, Concessions £10

Millfield Theatre, Silver Street, London, N18 1PJ

Dominic Holland (headliner)
Andy Parsons
Zoe Lyons
MC-Dan Atkinson

We’re still at it – it’s Millfield Mirth Number Three! Hurrah! What’ve we got for you tonight, then? OK .. for a very special treat, we have the divine, quickfire Zoe Lyons, winner of the Babycham Funny Women Comedy Award (what does that stuff taste like? must remember to ask her) and then, as if that wasn’t enough, we’ve got the obscenely gifted Andy Parsons, once described as strangely reminiscent of both Laurel and Hardy (?!?!*!!?). Headlining is the heavenly Dominic Holland, who makes you feel, well, just glad to be alive, somehow. And taking care of proceedings and making everyone a nice cup of tea, our shambolic, unpredictable, hopelessly likeable, but beautifully dressed - MC Dan Atkinson!!

Tags: Comedy

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