Veronica Falls and Mazes

Barden's Boudoir
Veronica Falls and Mazes image
Event has ended
This event ended on Friday 28th of January 2011
Entry £5

Barden's Boudoir

Built from the spare parts of defunct Glaswegian indie bands The Royal We and Sexy Kids, Veronica Falls are the purveyors of a sound that takes Siouxie and the Banshees, Sleeper and The Crystals, meshes them all together and pumps it out as groove-laden gothic pop.

Tonight, they team up with recent Fat Cat signings Mazes (a band who we've been seriously digging on recently), as well a proven party dudes Fair Ohs and Novella for one of those rare as hell but super fun DIY shows in the Marquis Of Landsdowne's teeny basement.

When we say teeny, what we really mean is that you can only really fit 100 people down there at a stretch, so your going to have to be super on your toes if you want to check this one out. Tickets are £5 and are strictly first come, first served.

Tags: Nights

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