Buttoned Down Disco’s Christmas Party

Buttoned Down Disco’s Christmas Party image
Event has ended
This event ended on Saturday 3rd of December 2011
Free before 10pm via http://www.buttoneddowndisco.com


Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Mornington Crescent 0.05 miles

It’s a Buttoned Down Christmas Party thing going on here tonight, so expect plenty of crackers, party poppers, silly hats, mince pies, and of course the odd Christmas anthem to be aired amongst all the regular classic indie and electro. This will be an amazing night so spread the word to all your friends and come celebrate Christmas with us! Please note that BDD is a very busy clubnight and the free entry (before 10pm) attracts large queues. Entry is 18+. Arrive early! It's invite only entry, so make sure you request invites at http://www.buttoneddowndisco.com

Tags: Nights

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