Sunday Talk: Look Back, Leap Forward

The Urdang, The Old Finsbury Town Hall, Rosebery Avenue, Clerkenwell, London
Sunday Talk: Look Back, Leap Forward image
Event has ended
This event ended on Sunday 2nd of December 2012

The Urdang, The Old Finsbury Town Hall, Rosebery Avenue, Clerkenwell, London

Nearest Tube/Rail Stations
Farringdon 0.44 miles

Another year is nearly over!

Before we start looking ahead and looking forward to the future, let’s not overlook the past.

Let’s take a look in the rear-view mirror and reflect on 2012; the accomplishments, successes, failures, lost opportunities...without regret.

Gain motivation and inspiration from 2012 to propel you forward.

Look forward to clarify the next step.

Look ahead with fresh eyes, enthusiasm and confidence.

Join us to leap into 2013!

For further info see official website.

Tags: Workshops

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