Secrets to Permanent Weight Loss in 2011!

London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog

Hope you're having a productive start to 2011!

The first secret to weight loss is that the secret to successful weight loss isn't about going on a diet!

How would you feel if you could make a new years resolution to not go on a diet and still:

:: Lose weight and keep it off forever?
:: Lose weight by eating foods that you enjoy, not those you think you should have?
:: Never be hungry?
:: Never deny yourself foods?
:: Eat foods your body craves?
:: Enjoy meals without a low-cal, low-fat, low-sugar option in sight?

If you're tired of dieting then you'll be glad to hear there's a way to lose weight and keep it off by being smart and making tweaks and changes to diet and lifestyle that help your body to achieve a natural balance without trying too hard at all.

So if you're:

* Fed-up with yo-yo dieting ...think real, sustainable weight loss.
* Tired of denying yourself foods ...then focus on a wealth of variety of foods you can add in.
* Tempted by cravings ...think tips to beat temptation.
* Sick and tired of being sick and tired ...think ways of eating that will double your energy levels and foods that will strengthen your immunity.
* Slow and sluggish ...think ingredients to kick-start metabolism.

Whether you're looking to lose significant weight or those last few stubborn pounds, it's really important to set yourself up for success.

Focus is key to any successful health programme and if you can enlist the support of family and friends, you're putting yourself on the right track for a great start.

Take your measurements too and get yourself a food diary so that you can monitor how you're doing from starting point, through your milestones and successes through to achievement of the end goal.

See, you don't need to stress about your diet ...just get a new Attitude to Food!

Sarah Lantry received her training at The Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York City. She works with clients nationally and globally both face-to-face and via telephone consultations who have specific health conditions, weight issues, food addictions and cravings along with those who wish to increase energy, improve general health and immune function. | [email protected] | +44 (0)7970 770 771

Posted Date
Jan 30, 2011 in London Healthy Living - Attitude To Food Blog by AttitudetoFood