Fashion Find of the Week...

Love London

I'm a little bit excited about this one. I noticed these beauties in Coast last week when looking for a dress to wear to a wedding and almost splashed out, but lo and behold common sense got the better of me. They were, after all, £85.

Imagine my joy and delight upon discovering today that they have, in fact, just gone into the sale and are now LESS THAN HALF PRICE at a mere £40! Hooray, hoorah, there is a God after all. Not too dissimilar from the style of Valentino's Rockstuds (my ultimate shoe Holy Grail. Alas, they definitely ARE too dear...) I have snapped them up from for the slew of summer weddings I have in my diary. Happy days.

Love Laurel x

Posted Date
Jun 11, 2014 in Love London by Laurel