Tabu Lounge

Night Club in West Croydon
Tabu Lounge image

9 / 10 from 3 reviews
179 London Road
West Croydon
020 8662 8698
West Croydon
Nearest Station
West Croydon
0.26 miles
Night Clubs

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Highly recommended and surely missed nightclub.

R Downing, Croydon

User Reviews

R Downing
from Croydon

Mar 14, 2018

Really sorry that the Tabu Lounge had to come to an end. The manager really turned the club around and made it the best club in Croydon. Please..please... if you do start up another venue please let us know where, as you have experience of knowing exactly what the mature public needs

Robert Downing
John Williams
from Croydon London Road

Jul 28, 2014

They have done a brilliant job of turning this nightclub around. I recommend anyone to have a visit and enjoy the friendly atmosphere, especially it's Sunday evening/nights Karaoke and Oldies but goodies event. WELL DONE!! (at least they have put some sort of enjoyment this side of Croydon)
Andy T
from Penge

Jan 20, 2014

Karaoke Nights EVERY Sunday 8-12 and then a DJ with oldies dance music through til 3am!!

Really good night, great sound system, quality hosts. Well worth a visit.

Downside - unfortunately Croydon's policy on drink containers means no glass or bottles - only plastics but hey-ho - the drinks' the same!!
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